For all your affordable, lovingly-grown house plants - nurtured, healthy and ready for you to take home.
Bay Botanics is our nursery-within-a-nursery here in Kereru Gardens - you can find our Bay Botanics house right by the checkout desk when our nursery is open.
During the months of January and February, while Kereru Gardens is closed for watering, you can still meet with Kat and all her Bay Botanics goodness at many of the weekend markets throughout the region.
Check out our Events page here for where the Bay Botanics market stall will be popping up next, or email Kat here to find out more about any specific plants and availability.
Happy growing everyone!

Bay Botanics Varieties for 2025
Aloe Vera - $10.00
Aluminium Plant, Pilea cadierei - $5.00
Australia Umbrella Tree, Heptapleurum - $10.00
Babys Tears, Soleirolia soleirolii - $5.00
Bubble Plant, Callisia repens - $10.00
Button Fern, Pellaea rotundifolia - $10.00
Chain Cactus, Rhipsalis baccifera - $10.00
Dancing Bones Cactus, Hatiora salicornioides - $10.00
Emerald Ripple Peperomia, Peperomia caperata - $10.00
Fat Boy Philodendron, Philodendron martianum - $10.00
Felted Pepperface, Peperomia incana- $10.00
Ficus Black Knight, Ficus Nigra - $10.00
Haworthia Windsor Cream - $5.00
Heartleaf Philodendron - $10.00
Imperial Green Philodendron - $10.00
Monstera Deliciosa, Fruit salad plant -$10.00
Moses in the Cradle Plant, Tradescantia spathacea - $10.00
Peperomia Rosso - $10.00
Peperomia Tricolour - $10.00
Philodendron erubescens - $10.00
Pink Princess, Philodendron Pink Princess -$10.00
Prayer Plant, Maranta leuconeura - $10.00
Rabbits Foot Prayer Plant, Maranta kerchoveana -$10.00
Silver Arrow Philodendron, Philodendron Hastatum - $10.00
Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum - $5.00
String of Pearls, Senecio rowleyanus - $10.00
Syngonium Noak - $10.00
Syngonium Mahogany- $10.00
Umbrella Tree, Schefflera arboricola - $10.00
Variegated Chain of Hearts, Ceropegia Woodii Variegata - $10.00
Variegated Rubber Tree, Ficus elastica - $10.00
Zebra Plant, Aphelandra squarrosa - $10.00